
*Certain elements of this project have been undisclosed at the discretion of the company.

Team/Role: Working alongside one of the team’s lead developers to complete observational research and create a user flow and UX/UI design

Tools: Sketch, Craft, and InVision

Project Length: ~ 2 days

Problem: In an Agile environment, the development teams often come up with different point values to give a specific ticket. How might we quickly settle any disputes about the value of a ticket?

Overview: This was a mini project that was completed for a hackathon. The project centered around organizing the way in which developers provide points to tickets (projects and tasks) and how the application could be synced with a project management tool to load the point results to the appropriate ticket.

Alyson Desmarais


*Certain elements of this project have been undisclosed at the discretion of the company.

Team/Role: Working alongside one of the team’s lead developers to complete observational research and create a user flow and UX/UI design

Tools: Sketch, Craft, and InVision

Project Length: ~ 2 days

Problem: In an Agile environment, the development teams often come up with different point values to give a specific ticket. How might we quickly settle any disputes about the value of a ticket?

Overview: This was a mini project that was completed for a hackathon. The project centered around organizing the way in which developers provide points to tickets (projects and tasks) and how the application could be synced with a project management tool to load the point results to the appropriate ticket.


The research for this project was mainly gathered during the company’s refinement meetings where the development team was observed as they worked to provide point values to tickets.

  • In all, I found that the developers needed a way to motivate themselves to point tickets efficiently, keep track of what tickets were pointed, and the ability to occasionally lead pointing sessions themselves.


I worked alongside one of our team’s lead developers to understand the complexity and logic behind this project.

  • It was asked that the application took the pointed value for each ticket, found the average value among those who pointed, and added that score to the appropriate ticket in our project management software.
  • Throughout the process there was a great deal of communication and the UX flow, wireframes, and different UI designs were shared as they were created.


Since this was just a brief project, wireframes were created in Sketch which provided the ability to switch quickly from wireframing to creating full-blown mockups.


The UI design plays off of the company’s current colors, yet gives them a new twist. The company’s colors scheme (left) was transformed to fit with a darker background for the ScrumPoints application (right).


The final prototype shows the ScrumPoints application on both desktop and mobile devices. There are two different paths a user can take in the application: one for those who are leading a pointing session, and one for those who are pointing in a session.


Working within this short time limit taught me how to work harder and faster than ever before.

  • Overall, I would like to revisit this project and research the way in which other developers (outside of this company) point tickets so that more data can be gathered to further develop the design for this project.
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